Wednesday, January 20, 2010

24-Hour Rule

I sat this morning listening to a podcast of a news report from Haiti and the aftermath of the earthquake. There were stories of sadness and survival, the wailing of family members as they mourn their loved ones, the pleading of others as they beg the buried to hold on. It was just too much. I broke down in tears of frustration, sadness and empathy. For a country that has so little, they been given so much sorrow. I gave money to UNICEF a few days ago, but it seems so little. The burden the Haitian people have will be difficult to recover from even with the generosity of magnanimous people throughout the world.

It sickens me that there are people in this world using this tragedy to score political points against the President of the United States while Haitians are desperately struggling to unearth their loved ones. Glenn Beck stated that he believed the President was moving too quickly to give aid in comparison to how slow Beck perceived the President had moved on an Afghanistan War strategy. Rush Limbaugh mused that the only reason the President was providing aid was to gain favor with African Americans. He even discouraged listeners from giving money to efforts to help the Haitians because, he said, we give enough through tax dollars already.

These people are sociopaths. There were people struggling to survive, praying for a fast death and there were bodies yet to be exhumed from their tragic graves, and Beck and Limbaugh disgustingly accused the President of political posturing and mismanaging priorities. They should be ashamed of themselves, but as they have no hearts, they are not capable of such emotions.

Pray for the people of Haiti.  Pray for the children who are waiting to be adopted.  Pray for the families of the dead and dying.  Pray for relief from the suffering.

And for God's sake, pray for Limbaugh and Beck to shut the hell up.


  1. Oh, yeah, and Pat Robertson can go to hell.

  2. Your blog today expressed my sentiments exactly. Beautifully written. I cannot believe all the criticism Obama gets and no credit for all he has done in such a short period of time.
