As I write to you on the blogging website sponsored by Google, I have to say, I am really glad that Google brings many great Google products into our home, both in Minnesota and abroad!
A few days ago, we spoke over the internets to a couple from Minnesota who are also staying in Bogota. They are in the process of adopting a beautiful 3 year-old girl with special needs. When the Gerri, the mother, called us, she gave us a Google-phone number. Both of us were confused as to what a 'Google-phone number' was, but I remembered I'd seen a 'call telephone' feature on Gmail (brought to you by Google) as a chat option, so I tried it out. I was surprised how great the reception was, and that it was free. So, I immediately started dialing random US phone numbers to share the news of the day. What a blessing.
Today, I needed to share some news with the caretakers at Betty's Place that the couple from Minnesota would be coming for dinner, so a few extra spots would be needed at the table. It turns out that 'a few' was a gross exaggeration, but that's besides the point! Anyway, I pulled up Google Translate, typed out what I needed to explain and a few answers, and they understood exactly. Google Translate came in handy a few minutes ago as well when the mirror fell off the wall in our bathroom and I had to explain to Maria Elena that I needed a screwdriver. Seriously, who has the Spanish word for screwdriver handy in their mind?
Now, back to our regularly scheduled blog. Today was a good day, despite having little sleep leading into it. Francisco was only interested in being held upright all night long, so we ended up taking shifts with him. Again, we are a team in parenting. We're a little clunky at it, but the rules are starting to set in. We rested most of the morning with Francisco, until his smiles started showing up again in the afternoon. We took a walk around the town for a bit, enjoying the cool weather and the warm sun. It was a great day.
As I had mentioned, we had invited the couple from Minnesota to come eat with us. What we didn't realize is that their whole family was here as well! They have three other children in addition to their recent addition, so the house was full of children! We've also had another family move into Betty's Place, so our quiet seven person meals had more than doubled in size for the night. What a great evening. We have made some great contacts for Angie to rely on when I leave at the end of May, which really is starting to set my mind at ease.
P.S. Google. Google Google Google.
P.P.S The Spanish word for screwdriver is 'destornillador.'