Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Repeating life all-over-again.

Hear we go again.

Hard to believe, but it has almost been a year since our home study.  Our social worker contacted us a few weeks ago to set up another home visit.  A lot has changed in our home since that time, and we haven't cleaned up much from it, so we will be spending nights and weekends rearranging furniture and painting and cleaning to get ready for her to come out to Chateau Lafond early in December.

I really feel like I've been living in a trance.  Time has flown by very quickly.

Since our social worker came out last time, the biggest shift in our home has been our room.  We had been in a smaller room, and our plan was our child would live in our master bedroom.  At some point, the dogs revolted against this plan.  We had had them sleeping in a bedroom on the main floor of our home, with us living on the second floor.  Beginning a month after they moved down there, they started waking me up in the middle of the night to go our, and wouldn't be sated until they were allowed into our bedroom to sleep the rest of the night.

Our small room, already packed with 2 humans and a lot furniture, was bursting at the seams.

So, we made plans to remodel the master room so we could fit everything and 2 dogs.  After a lot of paint, sanding floors, and staining, our oasis has been completed.  We really like how it turned out.  And a big plus is that our room faces east, and we get a lot of morning sun.

The major draw back is that I injured my back with the sander, and it has bugged me off and on since then.  Not fun.

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